Saturday, January 7, 2012

A note from Bob...

As Jan 7th approached and as I tried to grasp the realization that an entire year has passed, many things came to mind as you might imagine. First, I am grateful for the time I had with Jack and all the lessons he taught me that will remain with me forever. I have had the opportunity to be around other parents who are in similar situations and the common theme is that our children have been teachers and examples to us. Jack was no different. Looking back, he spent most of his life being an example of unconditional love, good humor, and acceptance. He was unwavering in his love for you, me, Jesus and anyone he met, be it friend, acquaintance or stranger.

I am extremely grateful to have called him my son. I love you, Jack. I am also grateful for the love and support of our family and friends. This year, however blurred its memory may have been at times, would not have been nearly as tolerable and even fulfilling without you. Friendships have been rekindled, others have been strengthened, and bonds have been reinforced. Thank you all for your presence and prayers.

Second, I am sad-not all the time, but it is unavoidable at times. Jack was such a big part of Mary and my daily life that it is not even possible to fill the void. We know that our lives have been dealt a curveball, but life goes on. I do have, as April calls them, “Jack moments”. I think of them as “Jack flashes”, where this sudden rush of emotion comes upon you and all you can do is wait it out for a few moments and hope nobody catches you in this compromised emotional state (that’s code for crying).

I miss you, Jack.

Third, I am reassured that Jack is now pain free and living in Glory with his grandparents and other loved ones that have gone on ahead. KnowHisPeace was started as we journeyed through life facing Jack’s disease, but it also refers to the peace we have knowing that Jack has met Jesus face to face and has been welcomed home. Thank you, Jesus.

I am a grateful, sad, reassured dad that is blessed with a loving wife and three fabuloso children; an unbelievable family including the best sister ever, terrific nieces and nephews, incredible in-laws and the best cousins; and simply put - a super group of friends.

There is so much to be thankful for, but for now just smile, laugh, cry wherever you are, remembering how Jack touched your life. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers this day.


  1. Bob, Thankyou for sharing your heart with us today. As this day approached, I also wondered where the year went and how I would feel today. You show amazing humility in your words. THINKING more about others and less about yourself. In sharing your words with us today, I am comforted knowing your faith is still strong, and you are grateful for all that remains with you on earth. I'm sad that there is nothing we can do about missing Jack The Jack flashes will be with us always,. I find myself having them, remembering the little time I spent with him and how much he impacted my life and continues to do so. As always, "Love you guys" I am humbled to know you and call you a friend xxxx

  2. Thought about candy machines and Jack's big smile. Bob and Mary, you are an inspiration to all of us. Jack is at peace and eternally happy! Thank YOU for your witness to God's love and care for us, even during the hardest time of life! Thank you for the pins... we are all so very proud to wear them and will always remember! God's blessings.

  3. I am so thankful to have known Jack and even more to have been his Godmother! I also am so gifted to have such a wonderful sister and brother in law such as Mary and Bob and their great family Charlie, April, and Tiffany, to show the true meaning of family, love and such compassion to everyone around them!! True examples of Christians..Unconditonal love..

  4. We all miss Jack so much. We loved the DVD of him receiving the Warrior Award. They hit the nail on the head with that one. Jack was s beautiful teacher to me. We love you guys so much, you are always in our prayers and hearts!!!

  5. Dearest Bob,

    Thanks so much for your beautiful message. Jack is so special to me! I know that you, my faithful sister, Mary, Jack's sisters Tiffany and April and of course his brother Charlie have all continued to contribute to the messages and spirit that Jack's life brings to so many people and continues to touch our lives. On the one year anniversary of your precious son's death, I focused and reflected on Jack's incredible life! He certainly lived his life making a conscious effort to ask himself, What Would Jesus Do? Then he would strive to be like Him! Now he is with Him! We will all rejoin each other again when God is willing and the connection will never end! I love you and your sweet family so very much!
    Love always and everywhere,
    Your favorite Sister-in-Law,Lisa
    P.S. I promise not to tell the other sisters that may think that they are your favorite! What they do not know will not hurt them!

  6. Your family is a constant reminder of the love and strength of Christ! Thank you for your willingness to share the precious testimony of your family's journey--including Jack's radiant life...and it is continuing to touch our lives. May the God of all comfort keep carrying you, sustaining you & blessing you all with His love & peace! God's faithfulness and my prayers will continue. You ALL are a very special family. Love, Polly
