Monday, November 8, 2010

GOOOOOOO BLUE! (and overall a great weekend together)

Man, what a game!
So, we didn't make the trip to Ann Arbor, but we did our BEST to bring Ann Arbor to Jack in Room 184! We wore all of our favorite Michigan swag, got awesome "stadium like" food from the hospital cafeteria (their onion rings are sooooo good!), snuck in a little cooler (shhh...), and watched Michigan battle it out in the game of the weekend with 3 overtimes and a final stop to Illinois attempt at 2 extra points.

Even Jack was decked out in spirited gear, & cheered the Wolverines to victory. Check out our family pic!

I only wish we had a video camera going in the room when we won. Victory dances all around. :)

Overall, Jack felt pretty good all weekend.  He is still battling some pain every now and then, but they didn't find any new growth or bleeding from the CT scan, so they are just adjusting his medicines until they find the right combination that works.

He is definitely talking better and better each day, and actually had the energy to get onto Charlie yesterday for "making annoying noises".  Ha! It was just like old times.  However, therapy is still a must, and in fact, the head of the CHOA rehab center came and assessed Jack this morning, and it looks like he'll be doing...

Inpatient Rehabilitation starting this week.   He, Dr. Claire, Dr. Natia and the team at CHOA have agreed that Jack would probably be better off getting admitted to inpatient Rehab, while he is still undergoing treatments.  By being admitted, he will benefit from 3 hours of therapy every day (as long as he is feeling well), with a combination of 2 Occupational Therapy sessions, 2 Physical Therapy sessions & 2 Speech Therapy sessions.

They explained to us that starting him while he is still undergoing treatment would be best, as his muscles are at risk of getting weaker in the coming weeks. Also, he will see quicker results if he remains at the hospital, rather than just coming for day sessions, which makes perfect sense to us.

With all the paperwork and logistics, he probably won't get transferred until Wednesday or Thursday and will be there for a couple weeks. We will update once we are settled in our new, temporary room!

We continue to be showered with love and support and prayer, and we can't thank you all enough!

The big hit from last weekend was the ice cream cake Joyce with Transfiguration dropped off for Jack on behalf of Father Pat & the congregation at church. It was cookies and cream, with chocolate cake, and was from... you guessed it - Bruster's! Jack was sweet enough to share with all the nurses and other patients in the Aflac Cancer Center - yum!

Only 7 more treatments to go after today!

Counting down!

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