Sunday, October 3, 2010

the weekend activity & getting ready for tomorrow!

Dearest friends & family,

We are continually amazed by all the generosity and support of all of you.  Thanks for being so amazing!

A few things you may or may not know about our weekend include...

We made another trip to the hospital...
On Saturday morning, Jack began complaining about headaches that hurt to level 10, so after calling Dr. Claire (who thank God was the on call doc again), Mary & Dad brought him in to the ER. They admitted him and right away started him on a higher dosage of his steroid to help relieve the pressure and morphine for the pain.

He is feeling much better, and is mostly frustrated with us saying 'no' to his requests for sweets and our constant attempts to ration his meal portions.  The boy is definitely hungry! :)

While here, they went ahead and did another CT scan and MRI...
So, that knocks out the one they had scheduled for tomorrow.  Although Dr. Claire hasn't had a chance to go over the MRI with the radiologists, what she does know is that the area around one of the tumors does look enlarged since our last scan due to some blood either inside the tumor, or just outside the tumor.  This is NOT dangerous for Jack, and in fact, could explain part of what's causing him some of the pain. 

She will speak with them tomorrow before our appointment at 9am so we have all the information at hand. We are anxious to meet this team and ask lots of questions about what's in store for Jack.

Oh, and one more thing...
Jack was also complaining a bit about his stomach hurting (around his right side/ liver area), so they have scheduled an ultrasound for tomorrow just to ensure everything is in working order.  Jack is feeling much better in this area after some medicine. We will update on that, but we anticipate if anything, it may be a reaction to the combination of medicines he has been on.

On a brighter, lighter note!
Tiffany made it safely and we love having her here!  We have had some good laughs as a family already, and are excited to all be home together hopefully tomorrow.

AND i can't help but mention that the team here at CHOA could not be more awesome.  We have loved all the nurses helping us so far and are truly blessed to live in a city that offers such an incredible facility for kids.

We will update more tomorrow.

Thanks for all the well wishes for Jack and prayers being sent his way! 


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